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October 21, 2008

Advocates Oppose Bill Criminalizing Deliberate Spread of HIV

Advocates for people living with HIV/AIDS recently criticized a proposed law
in Uganda that would criminalize the deliberate spread of the virus, the New
Vision/AllAfrica.com reports. According to the advocates, lawmakers should
drop the bill, which currently is being considered by the Parliamentary
Committee on HIV/AIDS.

According to Flavia Kyomukama of the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, the law would contribute to the spread of HIV and increase stigma against people living with the virus. The government "must protect the citizens in a way that does not put to risk the lives of an already marginalized group,"
Kyomukama said. Kihumuro Apuuli, director-general of the Uganda AIDS
Commission, said the bill is directed at men who are aware of their
HIV-positive status and still engage in unprotected sex with multiple
partners. According to Apuuli, this population is the biggest driver of
HIV/AIDS in Uganda.

Irish Ambassador to Uganda Kevin Kelly -- who represented donors at a meeting to launch a five-year strategic plan issued by the Uganda AIDS
Commission -- expressed concerns about how the bill would affect people
living with HIV/AIDS but did not condemn the measure, according to the New
Vision/AllAfrica.com. He said the proposed legislation should include
provisions to protect people living with the virus. Richard Nduhuura, state
minister of health, said the intent of the bill is to punish people living
with HIV/AIDS who knowingly spread the virus and not to criminalize those
simply living with HIV (Mugisa, New Vision/AllAfrica.com, 10/20).

Source: http://kaisernetwork.org/daily_reports/rep_index.cfm?DR_ID=55100

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